About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of our community.

We do this each day through the partnerships we have throughout the communities we serve. Whether they are our board members, partner agencies, or community members wanting to make a difference for their neighbors, the Lakes Area United Way provides opportunities for those who understand living in Crow Wing, Cass, and Aitkin Counties is about so much more than just living individual lives: it's about living as an interconnected community. It's about Living United. 

Our partner agencies serve those in need by providing meals to the hungry, shelter to the homeless, and the basic needs families require to simply get by. We all have a stake in creating a healthy, prosperous community, and we are so proud to serve and partner with those in the Lakes Area.

With the Lakes Area United Way, your dollars stay right in our local community helping to mobilize our friends and neighbors to improve lives. Every time you give, you support our mission and make a difference in the lives of your neighbors.

When we reach out a hand to one, we influence the condition of all.

That's Living United


Our Commitment to Community

We at the Lakes Area United Way embrace and celebrate the visible and invisible qualities that make each of us unique and bring vibrancy to our community. We believe that each community member, donor, volunteer, advocate, and employee brings a unique perspective to improving the world around us, and must have an equal voice in solving community problems.

We recognize that our neighbors in need often lack equal opportunity and access within the systems of health, education, and financial stability. We are committed to seeking community solutions that reduce these disparities, and investing in efforts that promote equitable outcomes for all.